10 More Things You Should Know About Me

by Sara King

1. I don’t like vast open water, but I curse like a sailor.
I have a potty mouth, deal.

2. Needles make me hyperventilate.
I haven’t had my blood taken or gotten a shot in years (KNOCK ON WOOD) and hope that the next time they need to stick me, they will do me kindly, and punch me in the face to knock me out. If they don’t, a screaming and crying creature will appear and you’ll want to kill yourself.

3. Self proclaimed dork and sass monster.
I love Star Wars and I’m sassy.

4. I loose sleep over great books.
If I really love a book, I will stay up until 3am reading chapter after chapter. I’m usually a hot mess the next day, but its worth a good read.

5. Being on time means being early.
I have to be early to places like work, the airport, the movie theater and just meeting up with friends, otherwise I get really antsy. For realz.

6. One of my life goals is to ride an elephant.
If I have to go to effing Africa or India, I will.

7. My cheeks turn red when I’m drunk.
And my eyes become half closed. Thats when you know to take the wine bottle away and fix my bangs.

8. I don’t like condiments.
Ketchup, mustard, sour cream, salad dressing, mayo, ect. Yuck!

9. I love having breakfast food any time of day.
Pancakes, scrambled eggs or omelet, sausage and bacon is so delish and is so fun for dinner.

10. Don’t tell me to smile.
Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I have to be smiling all the fucking time. So, please don’t ask me to smile or tell me I should be smiling. Bite me, asshole.

Check out the first 10 things you should know about me.